Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guest Blogger Crane Contemplation: school days

First in a new series on TiptoeThrough- guest bloggers! This week my friend Crane Contemplation is sharing her favorite etsy finds. A fun and nostalgic collection! 

Hello there, I'm Michelle. I've known Abby since high school and also spent time as a camp counselor with her, where she shared her amazing craftiness with kids! I'm a teacher by day, but love style, design, photography, and crafty blogs. My own blog, CraneContemplation, is just a combination of pieces around the blogosphere that catch my eye and my own rambling/daily life. Stop by and say hello!

Above: School Bell - I have a bell similar to this in my classroom and I use it to get students' attention.

This vintage chalkholder to make perfectly straight lines reminds me of cursive practice during my childhood. While most schools have dry erase boards now, this could still be a fun accessory with chalkboard paint!

Globe - I've always loved maps and geography, and being pre-1960, this globe is fascinating for finding now non-existent countries. 

Sweet vintage Valentines - good for decorating anytime of the year!

A sweet nursery rhyme book, perfect for new moms, an elementary classroom, or just a personal collection!

Paper cutter - This would be a great piece for decoration or craft pieces - often the older ones cut the best!

Thanks Michelle for these fantastic vintage finds on etsy! Follow TiptoeThrough for future guest bloggers and interviews to come. 

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